Usage Examples¶
Single-table tabular data¶
Train a tabular model on the US Census Income dataset.
import pandas as pd
from mostlyai import MostlyAI
# load original data
repo_url = ''
df_original = pd.read_csv(f'{repo_url}/raw/dev/census/census.csv.gz')
# instantiate client
mostly = MostlyAI()
# train a generator
g = mostly.train(config={
'name': 'US Census Income', # name of the generator
'tables': [{ # provide list of table(s)
'name': 'census', # name of the table
'data': df_original, # the original data as pd.DataFrame
'model_configuration': { # tabular model configuration (optional)
'max_training_time': 2, # - limit training time (in minutes)
# model, max_epochs,,.. # further model configurations (optional)
# columns, keys, compute,.. # further table configurations (optional)
start=True, # start training immediately (default: True)
wait=True, # wait for completion (default: True)
Probe the generator for 100 new synthetic samples.
Create a new Synthetic Dataset via a batch job to conditionally generate 100'000 synthetic samples, that are of age 28, and either from Cuba or from Mexico.
df_seed = pd.DataFrame({
'age': [28] * 100_000,
'native_country': ['Mexico', 'Cuba'] * 50_000
sd = mostly.generate(g, seed=df_seed)
df_synthetic =
Multi-table tabular data¶
Train a multi-table tabular generator on baseball players and their seasonal statistics.
import pandas as pd
from mostlyai import MostlyAI
# load original data
repo_url = ''
df_original_players = pd.read_csv(f'{repo_url}/raw/dev/baseball/players.csv.gz')
df_original_players = df_original_players[['id', 'country', 'weight', 'height']]
df_original_seasons = pd.read_csv(f'{repo_url}/raw/dev/baseball/batting.csv.gz')
df_original_seasons = df_original_seasons[['players_id', 'year', 'team', 'G', 'AB', 'HR']]
# instantiate client
mostly = MostlyAI()
# train a generator
g = mostly.train(config={
'name': 'Baseball', # name of the generator
'tables': [{ # provide list of table(s)
'name': 'players', # name of the table
'data': df_original_players, # the original data as pd.DataFrame
'primary_key': 'id',
}, {
'name': 'seasons', # name of the table
'data': df_original_seasons, # the original data as pd.DataFrame
'foreign_keys': [ # foreign key configurations
{'column': 'players_id', 'referenced_table': 'players', 'is_context': True},
}, start=True, wait=True)
Generate a new dataset of 10k synthetic players and their synthetic season stats.
sd = mostly.generate(g, size=10_000)
df_synthetic_players =['players']
df_synthetic_seasons =['seasons']
Tabular and textual data¶
Train a multi-model generator on a single flat table, that consists both of tabular and of textual columns.
import pandas as pd
from mostlyai import MostlyAI
# load original data with news headlines
repo_url = ''
original_df = pd.read_parquet(f'{repo_url}/raw/refs/heads/dev/headlines/headlines.parquet')
# instantiate client
mostly = MostlyAI()
# print out available LANGUAGE models
# train a generator; increase max_training_time to improve quality
g = mostly.train(config={
'name': 'Headlines', # name of the generator
'tables': [{ # provide list of table(s)
'name': 'headlines', # name of the table
'data': original_df, # the original data as pd.DataFrame
'columns': [ # configure TABULAR + LANGUAGE cols
{'name': 'category', 'model_encoding_type': 'TABULAR_CATEGORICAL'},
{'name': 'date', 'model_encoding_type': 'TABULAR_DATETIME'},
{'name': 'headline', 'model_encoding_type': 'LANGUAGE_TEXT'},
'model_configuration': { # tabular model configuration (optional)
'max_training_time': 5, # - limit training time (in minutes)
'language_model_configuration': { # language model configuration (optional)
'max_training_time': 5, # - limit training time (in minutes)
'model': 'microsoft/phi-1_5', # - select an available language model
}, start=True, wait=True)
Conditionally generate 100 new headlines for the WELLNESS category.